
"For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

Who of us cannot be moved in some way by the consolation that Jesus offers in His words for this Sunday, July 6, 2014 (14A). Brief but exceedingly rich in meaning, these are after all some of the most well-known and most popular passages from all of the Christian Scriptures. How beautiful these words from Jesus are. And yet, so hard to trust.

Sunday Readings' Discussion Questions

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 6, 2014 (14A)
From the Center for Liturgy at Saint Louis University

Sunday Mass Readings
Podcast of the Readings 
Video of Reflections on Readings
Lecturas y Comentarios 
Prayer of the Hours
BQ: "Is Religion for the weak of heart and mind?"

Questions on Sunday's Readings for use by discussion groups,
prayer groups, or for individual prayer.
First Reading
Book of the Prophet Zechariah, Chapter 9, Verses 9-10

1. What ideas do you associate with the word king? What ideas do you associate with the word meek? Is “meek king” an oxymoron? How is meekness a strength, and how can it win wars or put a stop to fighting?

2. Who might feel comfortable approaching a king? Who might approach a meek king? What bearing do humility and meekness have on a person’s approachability? How approachable are you? When did Jesus enter the city ”riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey?”

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14

1. Do you believe that the Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down? Can you give an example in your life where the Lord lifted you up from a situation or habit that was dragging you down?

2. Do you believe that suffering makes you a better witness for Christ? Can you give an
example of how suffering became meaningful in your life and strengthened your faith?

Second Reading
Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, Chapter 8, Verses 9, 11-13

1. At the Incarnation Christ took on human flesh with all of its delights and burdens. What do you think the Incarnation does for the worth of our own soul/bodies?

2. “The Spirit of God dwells in you.” What does this imply about the wonder and holiness of your own spirit? Could it help you reverence your neighbor?

According to Matthew, Chapter 11, Verses 25-30

1. How is Jesus like the meek king in the first reading? If he had never known suffering, would you feel he understands you when you go to him with worries? Can suffering make a person more approachable?

2. Carpenters hand-made the yoke to fit the animal that wore it. What does the idea that your “yoke“ is handmade for you imply? Jesus’ mission was to reveal the Father to us. What did he reveal about God in this reading? If we take his yoke, do you think Jesus will reveal his Father to us?

Online Sunday Bible Study Group
Please share belowyour reflections on the Sunday Readings. May we be blessed by God's words as reflected in your thoughts and experience-sharing. 

1 comment:

  1. Barry Lamont10:42 AM

    “The Lord lifts up all who are falling
    and raises up all who are bowed down.”
    We may question why God allows us to suffer,
    why he allows “bad things to happen to good people.”
    We may ask, as the early believers probably did,
    “Why is it necessary to undergo such hardships
    to enter the kingdom of God?”

    Scripture tells us that afflictions
    are to be expected in our walk with the Lord.
    We may not understand what God is up to,
    but we can be sure that our faith will be strengthened
    if we stand fast in the face of suffering.
    We will become better witnesses for Christ
    if we are humbled;
    we become better servants
    if we bear up with our difficulties
    and trust in the Lord as our psalmist tells us.

    And as the Gospel says,
    we are raised up by getting 'yoked to Jesus.'
    That is how our burdens are made light,
    by helping Jesus to carry His cross,
    as Simon did that day on the road to Calvary.
    Despite what we may think,
    his 'yoke is easy and his burden light.'

    Remember that endurance is a Godly quality
    and will help us to get 'yoked' to Jesus.
    Having done that, we, like our psalmist David,
    join with the faithful and
    speak of the glory of God's reign
    and bless his name.

